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Associate professor or assistant professor in Design Studies with a particular focus on Fashion Studies


The Department of Design, Media and Educational Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Humanities, invites applications for a position as Associate or Assistant Professor in Design Studies with a focus on Fashion Studies. The position is located at SDU, Kolding and is available from Oct 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Applicants are asked to state clearly whether they are applying for the assistant professor or associate professor position.

The Department of Design, Media and Educational Science is a department within the Humanities with research in a wide range of areas, including Design Studies, Media Studies, Education Sciences, Philosophy, Information Studies, Library Science, Organizational Communication, and Web Communication.

About the position

The candidate is expected to conduct cutting edge research within the humanities-based, cultural studies of design, of which fashion is a part. The candidate’s research profile can either be grounded in fashion studies or in design studies in a broader sense. In the latter case, the candidate should have shown an interest in integrating fashion studies in their research profile. In either case they will be expected to include Fashion Studies in the future development of their research profile as well as their teaching obligations.

The candidate is expected to actively participate in the research group Design Culture and its collaborative work in the area of design studies and to contribute to national and international fashion research. Applicants are encouraged to consider how their research expertise might contribute to collaborations with other members of the research group.

The candidate will conduct research-based teaching, examination and supervision, primarily in the BA and MA study programs Design Culture, Spaces and Aesthetics, Design Culture, Fashion and Business Economics, and Design Management and will be responsible for the development of the fashion-related subjects in these programs.

Furthermore, the candidate is expected to undertake various administrative tasks related to research and teaching collaboration.

Assistant Professor (3 years):

As an assistant professor, you will primarily work on furthering your own high-quality research and developing the research field. The position may also involve research grant applications, participation in research projects and, if relevant, research management. The candidate is invited to develop their competences with respect to grant application and research management in SDU’s Research Academy. The candidate will have a departmental mentor for both research and teaching. During employment, the assistant professor will complete the lecturer training programme. 

Administrative tasks for an assistant professor can be membership of different boards, councils and committees.

Associate Professor (tenured):

As an associate professor, you are expected to conduct high-quality research within the field of fashion studies, develop research projects and national and international collaborations. The position involves research grant applications and research management as well as supervision of Ph.D. students and postdocs.

Besides membership of different boards, councils and committees, an associate professor is expected to be able to serve in various administrative roles, including, e.g., course lead or head of study programme.

Associate Professors in the department have the opportunity of applying for the professor promotion programme.

Candidate profile

The successful applicant is expected to document research and teaching qualifications at associate or assistant professor level within theory, history and criticism of fashion and/or critical and contextual studies of fashion, relating e.g. to design culture and/or media studies.

A successful applicant for the assistant professorship, is expected to

  • have published peer-reviewed articles in renowned journals and/or books or book chapters,
  • have participated in relevant seminars and conferences,
  • be able to present an ambitious and realistic plan for the development of their research profile
  • be able to present an ambitious and realistic plan for outreach activities related to their research

A successful applicant for the associate professorship, is expected to

  • have a well-defined research profile
  • have published a substantial number of peer-reviewed articles in renowned journals and/or books or book chapters,
  • have participated in internationally renowned seminars and conferences,
  • be a part of relevant national and international research networks
  • have a record of outreach activities
  • have experience with applying for external research funding
  • be able to present an ambitious and realistic plan and strategy for the development of their own research profile as well as the research area, including funding possibilities
  • be able to present an ambitious and realistic plan for outreach activities related to their research
  • have completed a lecturer training program
  • be able to present an ambitious and realistic plan for the ongoing development of their pedagogical and didactic skills
  • have documented experience in teaching and supervising BA and MA students

Further qualifications that will be valuable in relation to the position include experience with funding applications and/or research project leadership, competences with interdisciplinary research and research collaboration, and competences that may contribute broadly to Design Culture as a research field. Administrative experience and experience with course development will also be considered strengths in an applicant’s profile.

The Design Culture Research Group and the Department of Design, Media and Educational Science

Design Culture Studies at the SDU Department of Design, Media and Educational Science forms one of Europe’s largest humanities-based research and teaching environments within the field and include the studies of cultural, communicative and aesthetic aspects of design in a contemporary, historical and cross-disciplinary perspective. Research and teaching undertaken at the department engage in disciplinary contexts such as visual culture studies, design history, and studies of material culture. Subject matters include, for instance, product design, fashion, graphic design, and design in spatial, interior, and urban contexts, as well as media and mediations of design. Design Culture Studies also have ongoing relations and collaborations within the larger field of design, such as practice-based design, and design from the perspective of economics and business administration, represented by other research environments at Campus Kolding, as well as at Kolding School of Design.

The Design Culture Research Group has seven senior members and a number of associated younger researchers. The group collaborates on both research, education and administrative tasks. The group is accommodating and friendly and has a track record of joint publications and co-authoring.

Campus Kolding is placed in a minor city at the coast of Jutland, with good train connections to Copenhagen and Aarhus in Denmark and Hamburg in Germany, including the opportunity to commute from larger cities under or around an hour. The city of Kolding also hosts an internationally known School of Design and has a high level of cultural offers, museums and UNESCO World Heritage Sites close by, all of which are collaborating partners of the university.

We recommend that as an international applicant, you take the time to visit Work in Denmark where you will find information and facts about moving to, working and living in Denmark, as well as the International Staff Office at SDU.

Contact information

Professor Mads Nygaard Folkmann (mnf@sdu.dk), or Head of Department, Alexandra Holsting (aho@sdu.dk), can be contacted for further information.

Conditions of employment

Appointment to the position will be in accordance with the salary agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Please check links for more information on salary (only available in Danish) and taxation.

During employment, the assistant professor will complete the Lecturer Training Programme.


The Faculty expects applicants to read the information "How to apply" before applying.

The application must include:

  • Application letter - It must be clearly stated whether you are applying for the assistant professor or associate professor position
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Diplomas/Certificates
  • Teaching portfolio (if you are applying for the associate professor - Please read more here)
  • Plan for research dissemination and societal impact
  • List of publications indicating the publications attached
  • If applying for the associate professor position, a maximum of 6 of the most relevant publications. Applicants for the assistant professor position may include a maximum of 4 relevant publications. Please attach one pdf-file for each publication. For any publication with a co-author, a co-author statement must be submitted as part of the pdf-file
  • References letters and other relevant qualifications may also be included.

Application and all appendices must be in English[AH1] . Please always include a copy of original diploma/certificates. We only accept files in pdf-format no more than 10 MB per file. In case you have more than one file per field you need to combine the pdf-files into a single file, as each field handles only one file. We do not accept zip-files, jpg or other image files. All pdf-files must be unlocked and allow binding and may not be password protected.

The assessment process

Applications will be assessed by an assessment committee and the applicant will receive the part of the evaluation that concerns him/her. The assessment report will subsequently be forwarded to the Head of Department who will assemble an appointments committee. An interview may form part of the overall assessment of the applicants' qualifications.

The committee may request additional information, and if so, it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the necessary material.

If the application does not meet the requirements mentioned above, the Faculty of Humanities may reject your application without further notice. Applications received after the deadline will neither be considered nor evaluated.

Shortlisting and tests will be used in the assessment process. Please note that only a shortlisted applicant will receive an assessment. Here you can read more about shortlisting at SDU.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Application deadline: February 17, 2025 at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)

🕑  |  Kolding  |  2025-02-17 23:59:00

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Praktisk information
Syddansk Universitet
Universitetsparken 1
6000 Kolding
Mads Nygaard Folkmann
Undervisning eller pædagogisk arbejde
17-02-2025 23:59

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Praktisk information
Syddansk Universitet
Universitetsparken 1
6000 Kolding
Mads Nygaard Folkmann
Undervisning eller pædagogisk arbejde
17-02-2025 23:59
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